• Welcome to Institute of Science
    and Technology, Yenagoa

    Empowering our generation and make a contribution
    to the nation to help uplift the progress in business,
    science, technology and to undertake cutting-edge
    research that will inform policy and development
    in Nigeria.

  • In the heart of the Niger-Delta

    The Institute of Science and Technology Yenagoa (IST Yenagoa) 
    is a new interdisciplinary research-led institute dedicated to
    applied research and education in science and technology,
    located in Yenagoa, Bayelsa Sate, Nigeria.


  • Developing Leaders

    Institute seeks to develop leaders in society or industry who
    hold credible expertise in the frontier science and technology,
    broad perspectives, high level of autonomy and communication
    ability, through its systematic advanced continuing professional
    development courses.


  • Contribution to Nigeria

    IST contributes to Nigerian societies with research outcomes,
    creates a centre of excellence for advancement of empirical
    work for solving problems of our country and society and
    develops new fields through a variety of applied empirical
    research studies.

  • Joint Nigerian-Ukrainian Educational Project

    Joint Ukrainian-Nigerian Foundation Year project provides
    learning of needed language for study and communication,
    also trains students in fundamental disciplines that are
    needed for admission to the Universities in Ukraine.
    Foundation Year will be in Nigeria the you complete your
    degree in Ukraine.

Welcome to Institute of Science and Technology, Yenagoa


The Institute of Science and Technology Yenagoa (IST Yenagoa) is a new interdisciplinary research-led institute dedicated to applied research and education in science and technology, located in Yenagoa, Bayelsa Sate, Nigeria.  The Institute’s objective is to empower our generation and make a contribution to the nation to help uplift the progress in business, science, technology and to undertake cutting-edge research that will inform policy and development in Nigeria.


Joint Nigerian-Ukrainian Programme “Foundation Year In Nigeria”

Foundation year in Nigeria, Complete your degree in Ukraine

Pre-University Intensive Ukrainian language Course

Joint Programme with Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Ukraine)

Welcome to Delta Business School, part of the Institute of Science and technology, Yenegoa. The DBS is a dynamic, research-led multidisciplinary learning environment. In everything we do, we try to make a difference to the world around us.

We prepare our students for the workplace, making sure they hit the ground running with the knowledge and skills that local and international employers really want.

Through the distinctiveness and creativity of our students, excellence of our academic staff, intellectually rigorous research, we seek to inform business practice to make a difference to our community in Balyelsa State in particular and Nigeria in general. For example, through our research, we seek to create the latest understanding of how to grow organisations and manage people in a range of industries and business sectors. We will use our expertise to transform individuals, businesses and organisations through consultancy, training and local and international partnerships…

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The School of Applied Sciences at the Institute for Science and technology seeks to be a vibrant teaching and research environment. The School’s mission is to provide a science and research based education in a number of natural and physical sciences.

The School is dedicated to finding practical solutions to real-world problems in the key areas of science and technology. The School’s curricular and programmes are designed to build on the research by our academics and provide the skills required by local, national and international employers, while inspiring our learners to succeed.

The School is home to the Department of Biological and Analytical Sciences and Department of Forensic Sciences, both of which aim to bring a multidisciplinary approach to both our courses and our research and consultancy activities.

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The School of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences is an interdisciplinary school with an interest in how the interactions between the different components of the system impact on food security and associated ecosystem services.

The School encompasses a broad range of interests that include fundamental studies of ecosystem processes such as microbiology, soil science and geochemistry and environmental processes related to soil, air and water pollution. As a School we are dedicated to solving real-world problems in agriculture, environmental sciences to produce a better Nigeria, healthier people and an improved standard of living for all Nigerians. To this end, the School aims to encourage sound environmental practices and enhance the reputation and competitiveness of the Nigerian agricultural and food sector.

As an aspiration, the School would also conduct agricultural research that would focus on improving agricultural production systems, enhancing agricultural sustainability and addressing issues of food security whilst protecting the environment.

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Welcome to the School of Innovative Technologies at the Institute of Science and Technology, Yenagoa. The mission of the School of Innovative Technologies is to help the country create the necessary Information Technology professionals to work in Nigeria.

The School deals with the sciences of technology and engineering in the applied field, in general within the industrial sector, and with technology and information services for both training and research. The School offers degree and short training courses for students and professionals in a range of programmes including industrial technology and management, information technology and management, informatics and computer science.

At the moment, the structures of the School consist of three departments which cover wide areas of knowledge for the innovative development of the technology of materials for the industrial and government sectors.

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Welcome to the School of Education & Professional Studies is an innovative school with an aspiration for a strong research culture and a reputation for providing responsive solutions to diverse educational needs of Nigeria.

The School houses three innovative and multidisciplinary research centres: Centre for Academic Leadership, Teaching & Learning Competence, Centre for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Centre for School Leadership & Administrators, which engage in research and scholarship of local and national significance.

The School specialises in comparative education, lifelong long learning, foreign language, and professional development for teachers and school administrators.  The goal of the School’s professional studies’ programmes is to meet the educational needs of working adults, organisations, and employers.

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IST News and Announcements



As a result of few months successful negotiations, on 26 June, 2015 Institute of Science and Technology entered into Framework Collaboration Agreement with one of the oldest technical Universities of Europe, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

The University has 19 faculties, 9 educational and research institutions, several research institutes and research centers. The training of bachelors, specialists and masters, candidates and doctors of sciences is carried out in the University.


AZAIKI Public Library

Azaiki Public Library Inc. is a registered United States of America-based not for profit, educational Foundation …

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Museum of African Arts

The Museum is the first of its kind in the African continent to reflect on our past, present and the future.

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National Think Tank

The National Think Tank is a body of articulate and well-informed men and women with sound …

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The International Society of Comparative Education, Science and Technology Nigeria is a scholarly …

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